'Coral Catch' members in wetsuits carry oxygen tanks across beach


Lead Institute: University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh Marine Archaeology (EMA)

Project Manager: Dr. Georgia Holly

In a world where the health of our oceans, rivers and lakes is rapidly declining, seavoice. amplifies the voices and stories of people inspiring action to protect and restore these precious environments. By sharing the stories and work of individuals who have a deep connection to bodies of water, seavoice. seeks to instil a profound appreciation for their significance.

seavoice. is an innovative magazine that delves deep into the intricate relationship between culture, climate, and water. Through thought-provoking articles, captivating stories, and insightful narratives, our quarterly volumes shed light on the intersection between the ocean and culture, inspiring collective responsibility for our blue spaces. seavoice. is a recognised action of the UN Ocean Decade under the Ocean Decade Heritage Network’s Cultural Heritage Framework Programme. With a focus on the key global challenges of the UN Decade of Ocean Science, seavoice. emphasises the importance of understanding the complex interplay between culture and the environment in tackling the pressing issues we face today.

Seavoice has published three digital quarterly volumes so far (Osmosis, Community, and Gen Sea) and it looks ahead to publishing print editions across themes such as Waterwomxn and Blue Tech. seavoice collaborators include Llyod’s Register Foundation, University of Edinburgh, Ocean Decade Heritage Network, Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy, and 4Ocean, and the initiative is open to additional partners and collaborators.

Visit Seavoice now
'Coral Catch' divers underwater
Surfer riding wave
'Coral Catch' members in wetsuits carry oxygen tanks across beach
Swimmer dives below water surface with sun above

The aims of this project are:

The primary aim of the platform is to present public-facing, story-telling journalism, which reflects on the key global challenges of the UN Decade of Ocean Science, in a way in which is relevant to people and communities.

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